2024 Bell Works Fresh Valentine's Day Pop-Up

Discover the perfect Valentine's gifts at our Bell Works Valentine's Day Markets. Browse through a selection of handcrafted items from local artisans and makers, including unique jewelry, clothing, and more. Find special gifts for your loved ones in a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.

2024 Bell Works Fresh Valentine's Day Pop-Up

Market Stats

Shop for farm-fresh produce, unique handmade goods, and connect with the people who make it all happen.

scheduled markets
11AM - 4PM
hours of operation
(unless otherwise noted below)
max vendors


Check out our vendor pricing for 2024 Bell Works Fresh Valentine's Day Pop-Up.

Type of Vendor:

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming market dates and see who is selling at our 2024 Bell Works Fresh Valentine's Day Pop-Up.

Explore Our Markets

We're much more than shopping, we're a community of local makers, farmers & food purveyors.

FRESH markets Gallery 1
FRESH markets Gallery 5


Our vendor community is at the heart of everything we do.

I love working with Asbury Fresh.

There are so many great markets to participate in and the descriptions and instructions are always very clear. And the staff is always friendly and a pleasure to work with!

Frank’s Market & Refillery

I love Asbury Fresh because of

the wonderful community that comes with it. It truly feels like a family.

Audrey Gawley

Team FRESH is a great company

to work with, they are the cornerstone of my business. The camaraderie with all the vendors is very special, there’s so many incredibly talented artists. I just love them!


FRESH markets team provides a space

which is truly community based! They curate some of the best makers for their events which are always organized and professionally managed. I must have referred over a dozen other vendors to them and I look forward to continue being a part of the community!
